【ニコ動アワード2023】『 僕は依存症 』が一次選考通過!!最終投票受付中!!
【Nico Dou Award 2023】 "I am an addict" has passed the first round! Final voting is now open!



現在、投票受付期間中であり、2023/12/17 23:59投票締め切りとなっています。毎日1動画につき1回投票でき、プレミアム会員の投票には 通常会員の2倍のポイントが入ります。また、会員出ない方もSNSシェアで投稿可能となっています。是非、奮ってご参加ください。


"I am an addict/covered by Yamata" passed the preliminary selection and was selected as a finalist in the Nico Nico Douga Award 2023 held by Dwango Inc.
Voting is now open and will close at 23:59 on 12/17/2023. Premium members can vote once per video per day and receive double points for voting as a regular member. Non-premium members can also submit their votes by sharing on social networking sites. We look forward to your participation.

Click here for the voting page